So I'm entering again this year.
I wanted to show a quilt I completed in 2008.
It was my first quilt using lots of scraps from my stash.

I think that's what is so wonderful about patchwork.
You make do with what you have.

This is the pieced back.

And now with my lovely assistant, Ella

Hope you like it. We do!!!
Enjoy visiting all the other quilts in the festival.
Andi :-)
PS Have you enetered my giveaway yet?
Your quilt is stunningly beautiful! I truly admire your work!
Oooooh you know how much I love love scrap quilts! And yours is no exception. You have some great looking scraps!
What a cute scrap quilt; it looks so soft and cuddely! Just enough non-pinks to add a little extra spark. Your little assistant is adorable!
Oh that is gorgeous - I love all the pink!
PS cute assistant too - keep her on :)
Love your quilt..and Ella is such a darling!
I love the striped border and binding!
It is a truly lovely quilt!! I love that it is made out of scraps and that it is so prettily, pink-ily perfect too:)
First of all, I featured you on my blog yesterday...hope you don't mind me getting the word out on your blog and giveaway! It's too amazing not to share...and so are your quilts! Even the ones you design and decide to change! This festival's quilt is very feminine and lovely. The embellishment is awfully cute too!
Beautiful quilt and so nice that your scraps coordinate so perfectly!
What a stunning scrappy quilt - I love your pieced back too.
this quilt is beautiful...i love how amazing a scrap quilt always turns out.
Hi Andi
I love scrappy quilts and your colors are yummy!
Happy quilting, Rhondi
what a lovely scrappy quilt and a darling assistant. very nice work!
I really like the striped border and the contrast-striped binding! Very sweet quilt! Well done!
I can't stop looking at this quilt, I think I am in love!!
The playful and "scrappy" fabric is put together in a very elegant way - and the quilting is fantastic. You are such an inspiration - Andi!
Omigosh, I absolutely love this quilt! I would definitely be happy with this. I'm pretty new to quilting myself (although I did do a post for the Festival) and it's really great to be able to view other blogs and get inspired!
Lovely quilts, I absolutely LOVE scrap quilts & log cabin is my fav!
Nice work & great assistant!
Very pretty - I'm getting a lot of inspiration from the show and so there may be a scrap quilt in my future.
I just started to learn quilting a few months ago... and while it's coming along slowly, I really am having fun with it! :) Anyway - just wanted to pop in and say, I'm so happy I found your blog as you make such delicious quilts! Quite the inspiration, you are!
What wonderful looking scraps you have!
Love the pink!
wath a nice blog to you have!!!
and wath for many work the quilt.
sooooo wunderful.
gratings from the nedernads,
Fantastic quilt! Miss Ella looks pleased with it too!
Your quilt is a knock out! I love the stash and pink factor. Love it! It just screams happy!
Ohh, I love scrappy quilts!
thanks for sharing,
I love your quilt!
One of the great things about quilting is turning trash to treasure and you have created a very special treasure.
Beautifully done. Your quilt, and your assistant are sweet.
Love it! Gorgeous work and adorable assistant! : )
What a grogeous quilt! I love the stripy fbrics you've used in the sashing and border and all the fabrics actually!
A beauty Andi!! Just stunning!!
Great quilt! How was the stash after you had finished the quilt????
I'd love to have your scrap stash! Gorgeous.
I cannot resist a scrap quilt. it really is what the patchwork is about sometimes. Wonderful.
What a lovely quilt! I love scrap quilts...
Gorgeous! Love the colors and the pattern. No wonder you wanted to share this one. It is great. Thanks for sharing and I hope to watch your blog for more surprises. Thanks, Stephanie
*sigh* Look at all those beautiful scraps!!! It is just lovely! And how cute is your assistant?! :)
I love all the pink and your little assistant is too cute!
A gorgeous quilt and a very cute assistant, too!
Your assistant looks very efficent. I like the quilt. Scrap quilts are the best.
I'm just starting to appreciate scrappy quilts, and this one is gorgeous. Love the colors!
Your quilt is wonderful. I love scrappy quilts. They are my favorite. I love how you added sashing around your blocks. Love it!!!!
Hey there! love those scraps! my favorite kind of work!! and what a cutie-patootie your Ella is!
Beautiful Quilt!!
Scrap quilts rule!! Yours is terrific - it is a happy quilt and little Ella fits just she turns out to be a quilter!!
Scrap quilts are my favorites and this is a lovely quilt!
You have beautiful scraps. I really like your quilt
I love quilt patterns that are set on point- The quilt is so bright and cheery- such wonderful scraps you had to create your quilt.
Enjoy the festival- there are so many spectacular quilts to see.
Warmest regards,
So cheery and scrappy! I find so often scrap quilts lose the really cheery aspect but yours is fantastic, and you helper is a really cutie.
I love your quilt! It's so bright and cheery!
Love it! So cheery and bright!
what a wonderful, fun your stash!
Oh yes I like it too!!! This one is beautiful Andi, I love the scrappy look and the colours are beautiful. It looks so soft in your close shot. Lovely assistant! xo
I love that you used your scraps to make this beautfiul quilt.
Andi, I love this quilt, especially all the pink! Beautiful job!
What a charming little girl and quilt! and I have a lovely daughter who is named Ella also.
Oh wow I love this quilt. But I love pink quilts, and this one is especially beautiful!
Your quilt is adorable!! I love the colors, and the log cabin pattern is my favorite! :-)
Soft, sweet, gentle quilt stitched with love! ; ) Ella is darling!!! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful Andi!
Both your tiny model and your quilt are sweet and adorable.
Thanks for sharing!
Love the girly scrappiness of this quilt!
Great scrappy quilt! And Ella is adorable!!!
What a beautiful quilt, and beatifully modelled by your assistant too!
Great bright and happy log cabin quilt!
Beautiful quilt. I love all the scraps you used and especially like the pink. Tell your adorable assistant she did a very good job modeling.
I so appreciate your statement about making do with what you have--and still you have something beautiful. . . and a lovely assistant, too.
Pink is so precious for little girls. I know it is loved.
That is a lovely quilt. Thanks for sharing.
Diana Zamora
From Costa Rica
What a great quilt! Such pinky loveliness.
Beautiful! And even better that you got to use up some scraps!
Beautiful and so is your assistant ;O)
wow! I love the colors--they are so happy!
How pretty! I love the scrappy patchwork blocks!
voila un quilt qui respire le bonheur et la gaité
Scrap happiness and what a cutie sitting on this bright beauty of a quilt.
I make lots of scrap quilts I'm a Bonnie Hunter[] fan! I just made pincushions & potholders from selvedges at our fall retreat.
Beautiful! I love all your pink scraps :) Thanks for sharing!
Great quilt, I love all the pink.
Beautiful! I just love scrap quilts and your pink one makes me smile!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pink. It is so pretty. I have a little girl that would love a quilt like that one! :)
I love this quilt! It's scrappy and it's pink!! It's awesome.
Your little assistant is adorable. :)
love your charming quilt and adorable assistant
This is very nice. You took nice colors.
Greetings from Edith
I love it! Love, love, love! Scraps are the best!
I love scrap quilts. And your little Ella is a doll!
Fabulously beautiful quilt; well done! I can't imagine having that much material in scrapes.
This is fabulous! I love it!
Scrap quilts are my favorites--I could look at this one for hours. Hmmm, by your header pics and your quilt assistant's outfit, I think you might be partial to pink, no? Thanks for sharing your quilt's story.
What a pretty quilt. I think the fact it is on-point makes it extra pretty!
A very bright and cheerful quilt.
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