Both very inspirational with lots of techniques that "I'd like to try one day".
If "one day" ever comes ...

and ...

Also, my sister has been clearing out her bookshelves and pulled aside some stuff she thought I might like.
I didn't want to take anything because my house is already so cluttered.
But then I saw what she had in mind ...

To the above photo I say .... "As if!!!"

The carpetting in the image above is hysterical, I think!!

and my favourite one ..... (I was a '72 baby)

Do any of these make you squeal with delight?
I'd love to know!!
Andi :-)
Oohhh! I've been wanting The Art of Manipulating Fabric. It looks like so much fun. I think I would like to incorporate some of those techniques into some pillows or quilts!
Enjoy your new reads!
I saw The Art of Maniputaling a couple of days ago at the books store. It looks really interesting!! The old fashion books you got are amazing! Enjoy!
oh my goodness! what a lot of old books to look at! have fun!
Lvoe the vintage books - crack up!
Oh yes, lots of squealing here! Especially the last one - I am a '72 baby too!
Gotta love Amazon! Great books, loaded with inspiration. Love the new patterns too - some squeals were illicited from the Bedtime knits pattern. Not cute.
My BFF's mom growing up made the baby booties in the Booties Galore pattern. The Black high tops were one of her specialities. She even made me some when I had DS#1 in 1998. She made some darling Mary Janes that were about the cutest ones! Thanks for sharing!
I am sqealing, can you hear me from there? I'd love to have a flick through the tea cozy book and the successful dressmaking books. What fun. Enjoy.
That crocheted bikini just seems, well, not very good in the coverage department. Hahaha!
Great acquisitions. The fabric art thing is on my "to dos" too, can see you in the pink kini this Summer, ick on the brown mottled carpet, and there you go, I was a '71 bub. :0)
Oh I'd love to see someone, anyone, (just not me) in that bikini!!
Wow! LOVE the first book. On my wish list now. Hopefully the one day is soon. Would love to give it a go too.
My house has that carpet in a brown version!!! I'll take the gift ones and novelties in felt haha. Bedtime knits looks a bit saucy- bet you couldn't keep Dan's eyes off that one!
Too funny! I just added the Srt of Manipulating Fabric to my amazon wish list this weekend. Happy reading!
The knitted tea cosy book had me going, they are all the rage now, very kitsch!
How fun are those vintage knitting books !!
Sad thing is I remember a few of them.
What do you think the young man in the vest is actually doing ??
I should look for the pattern books my daughter featured in circa 1983 .
I recall the patterns were uber daggy at the time .
oh my goodness.i love the vintage books. Thank for sharing.
OMG, I actually own the booties book and have made some from it!
What an excellent haul! I have been eyeing off The Art of Fabric Manipulation for a while. It looks amazing.
And just quietly, there's just not enough bargello in our lives these days. :)
Oh yes, the crochet bikini, looks great on the model, but how saggy would that be when you try and swim with it?!!! Great to check out these old patterns, thanks for sharing xo
Maybe I'm just tired, but I was laughing out loud at that boy hammering! Something about him...perhaps he's a young Ward Cleaver. :)
I can't get over that manipulating fabric book...whoa! Have you seen that new superior thread?
Those tea cosies perked me up a bit. The Beach knits made me laugh. Seriously - knitted bikinis - I'm not sure that could ever be a good idea.
Could we have ever thought of wearing such 'creations'?
What a hoot ! ! ! !
Hey Andi, congratulations you won my giveaway! I am so thrilled that random thing chose you. Please email me your postal details and I'll put the book, brooch and t'shirt in the post tomorrow. Lots of love kate
I've got to get that ARtistic Photo Quilts book. Looks like it has some cool ideas. The others just cracked me up. Too funny. Amazon is the best.
oh my goodness! I need one of those crocheted bikinis!!! wooweee!!! Any takers?
love, love, love the knitted tea cosies! If only I could actually knit.....
I LOVE the Novelties in Felt and the Needlework book with the two dolls on the front. Also, I have to confess that I had a crocheted bikini (briefer than this one) in the late seventies when they were all the rage in sunny Queensland where I lived. Don't remember doing much swimming, just sunbaking - and no, it wasn't see-through.
The Artistic Photo Quilts book looks amazing!
And I'm just not sure enough could ever be said about that crochet bikini!
I can't believe your sister is getting rid of these books! The Successful Dressmaking and the Novelties in Felt look cool! I just love the cover pics.
Your new book Manipulating Fabric looks pretty amazing too! Have fun!
OMG I have the same baby bootie pattern book - I pick mine up at the op-shop. Love the bright colours on you site - and a big thanks for all those links down the bottom!
I have that Successful Dressmaking too! Top reference.
Hi Andi, it's been ages since I bumped into you foyer I think and here you are clever lady...gotta love the ether.
besos, Mandixxx
Love the vintage books! But am offended at the carpet comment - my mum and dad still have that carpet (in their beach house too!). Only joking - about the offensive bit, unfortunately the carpet is true!
I had to do a double take when it came to that crochet bikini.
score! I was a 1972 baby too!
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