This is my 300th blog post and since beginning this blog 2 1/2 years ago, my life has changed in so many wonderful ways.
Most importantly, I have met many new friends on line and IRL! This 'sharing' post is for those people who have shared with me their time, their creativity, their 'stuff', their friendship.
Here's what is on offer: fabric. I have LOADS of it and I want to share some of it with one of you.
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Some photos from my stash. Not necessarily what I'll be giving. |
So, to be in the running for a parcel of fabric loveliness, just leave me a comment with 5 words to describe your favourite types of fabric.
Here are some examples to get you thinking:
- floral
- vintage
- linen
- Japanese
- solid
- geometric
- green/blue/purple/pink/etc
- designer
- voile
- spots
- bright
- childrens
- and so on .....
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More stash photos |
International entries welcome. I will do the random number thing on Thursday morning (Melbourne time). After that, comments to this post will be closed.
Please make sure I have a way of contacting you!!
Thanks again for all that you have shared with me.
Andi xx
Edit 9:30 Thursday morning: This post is now closed for comments.
Oh wow Andi, how could I possibly resist!
My five words would be.... pink, orange, red, retro, floral
i won't enter because i'm still a fairly new reader (a week? two?), but i wanted to pop in and say i love this giveaway!
i once gave away a copy of EQ7 and had a couple hundred comments. i only have 30 followers, and only about 10 of them read and comment regularly. i'd love to recognize the people whom i've connected with!
Please don't enter me in your fab giveaway Ms Andi, I am away from the machine just now. I just wanted to pop past and say that Miss Indi, reading over my shoulder, remembers the day you baught all those spotties and was wandering if they have become anything yet? X
Wow, that is a generous offering you are having. Blue, Bright, Cheerful, Blendable, old school.
How generous Andi - Congrats on the milestone.
I love warm colours, slightly dusty colours, linens, japanese and spots
Thanks for asking :-)
great idea! My words would be: bright, geometric, purple, blue, green :)
Im only a recent follower so dont know if im in the running.... but the first four examples hit the spot for me!
Congratulations on your 300th post!
Spots. Email me if I win.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to enter the giveaway, but I love bright, colorful, floral, retro, and...hmmm... designer :)
Congrats on a big milestone Andi!
My top picks (limiting me to five when I am so fickle...? harsh :o)
Novelty, spots, green, red, voile
Ohhhh, thanks for sharing (and happy blogversary!). My favs are designer, brights and floral!
Here's to 300 more!
congratulations Andi! I feel lucky to have been inspired (and sometimes a little intimidated!) by your amazing creativity, but especially lucky to have met you in real life (thanks to Cath)
my words - vintage / floral / natural / slightly crazy (last 2 words are possibly a description of me as well as my fabric preferences!)
Great milestone. Here's to the next 300!
Spots, Brights, Geometric
You have a brilliant stash!
What a great idea. I love the colours you use! Words that spring to mind for me would be... retro, orange, pink, white and spots!!
Very fun!
My 5, bright, colorful, dots, playful, unique.
Thanks and congrats on your milestone!
Hmmm, let's see:
modern, solid, dots, geometric and bright.
Hope that covers it okay!
Wow such a fun giveaway! Congrats on 300, and thanks for all the inspiration.
I think my five would be, rich, bright, green, dots, fun.
Hmmm, what an interesting challenge, let's see:
Congratulations on your 300th :)It's interesting to see how different each person's words are, and how well the words describe the style of the people I know!
Congrats on the blog milestone!
I've got loads of fabric and don't need to add to my stash but that is very gracious of you to offer this giveaway.
Yay, congrats, but I actually think congrats are for me, for being lucky enough to know you IRL! Gosh, 5 words.....spots, stripes, novelty, linen
So generous! Congrats on reaching post 300.
My five: modern, bold, saturated, natural, solids.
Wow, Andi. It's been great to meet you in person and read each of your 300 posts. Five words for me are spots, pretty, modern, maya, fresh. Of course I had to add in Maya as I make a lot of her clothes. Thanks Andi!
Love a give away where you don't have to jump through hoops ........... good on you Andi.
Spots, linen,brights,strips,modern
Andi, this is such a beautiful idea for a giveway. I have really enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you a bit by e-mail. Looking forward to the next 300! I love modern fabric--in all its bright, polka-dotty, flowery, birdy goodness. (and I mustn't forget to mention KAFFE)
With warm regards from Jerusalem.
Just five letters, Andi - voile! Congratulations on your achievements!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Congratulations Andi!
My 5 words would be: Bright, Japanese, Saturated, Designer, Floral. Wow, that was really hard, I could have added another 10 words easily - which I guess really just means that I am not too picky :)
I look forward to reading your next 300 posts and being inspired further by your amazing stitchery!!
You're so sweet.
Bright, floral, yellow, vintage, designer
300 posts!!! I just checked & I'm at 194 posts in just over 2 years. It's interesting when you check your stats.
Now 5 words :-) vintage, floral, spots, aqua, bright. Thanks for entering me in the draw!
Andi, I favorited your "Thursday Scraptacular quilt and have been working on a similar one with 1 1/2" squares - but yours is soooo pretty!
I love vintage, bold, geometric, dots, floral. Thanks for the chance!
Bright, modern, warm colours, patterns and flowers. Hope that makes it clear enough :)
Congrats on 300! I adore your blog and look forward to reading every time it pops up in my blog reader!
You make this hard - only 5?
Here goes:
polka dots
And here's to 300 more - I cannot wait! :) Thank you!
you are just wonderful! but I knew that already :-)
5 words you say?
not necessarily describing one thing does it? sorry....
Congratulations on the 300th post--love your blog! My fabric picks are: Funky,bright solids, dots, groovy florals!
Thank you!
5 words??????
Scraps, bright, anything, no beige!
I love ya work!!!! xxx
andi - Cogratulations on 300! I really need to thank you (but at times could possibly have cursed you). I met you at a couple of Amitie classes and your blog was the first one I had ever looked at - I didn't even know what they were until you handed me your little (skinny) card you had with the details on it.I still have that card in my sewing box. Consequently, your blog is first on my list on bookmarked blogs (out of about 200 (or more)). I spend so much time (well what I have of it) viewing beautiful crafty blogs thanks to you and have finally taken the step of starting my own. Thank you.
I'm not sure if I count as a follower/connected....we did the February Kaffe Fassett workshop
bright, girly, solid, kiddy, purple
and congratulations on the commitment to blogging, 300 posts
How generous. I am very glad to have "connected" with you also.
My 5 words...
- Spots
- Cool
- Nature
- Contrast
- Floral
Congratulations on the 300th post.
Tough to choose
solids more somber than bright
florals anything in pink and cream
polka dots preferably red and white
diagonal stripes blue and white (navy) influence!
black and white prints anything goes
I have loved to tag along and play along. Yours is a lovely blog to visit. Love your idea of sharing, and will take it to hart. (My stash has grown over the years and is a healthy size, so I'll pass on the lovely prize)
; )
I have no idea if we are "connected". I don't use the follow function on google, so ...
Just in case! My five words are red, yellow, retro, Kaffe, and dots.
Congratulations on your post-iversary!
Congratulation on 300. You got me thinking.....what do I look for most. So in five words.
You have me thinking at 6:30 in the morning!
black & white
pure colors
Isn't blogging the best fun? You know I wish I lived closer so I could get involved in all the fabulous craftiness that goes on in Melbourne (obviously that reads 'so I could be closer to my family';-) but being able to share lives and grow freindships online is a good second best.
My words?
patterned, pretty, green, bright & coloured.
(haha, word ver is 'metromp'. Yes, Ithink we did.)
We are celebrating our 300th blog also. You might want to look into our giveaway. I've been following your blog for sometime now. Thanks for the opportunity. Since we make comfort quilts for sick children my 5 words would be
brights, children, dots, animals and infants.
Fondly, Etty
Congrats on the milestone! What do I like??? Spots, fresh, fun, retro...woven! Have fun!
Congratulations on the 300 posts. My words would be vintage, Japanese, designer, linen and I can't think of the fifth one
Oh, my, the dots got me dreaming :D.
I think I'd say (hopfully all are english words :)) )
I've been reading your blog for a long time, but can't recall when I last commented...shame on me!
In any case, congrats on 300 posts..may you have many many more! Your blog is such a inspiration.
Five words eh?
dainty prints
old fashioned
How fun! Congrats on your milestone! You were one of the first blogs I started following when I found out what a "blog" was!! My five would be bright, geometric, modern, solid, dots!
5 words to describe your favourite types of fabric hey? Hmmmmm....
Tone on tone
Online Shopping (two words but YKWIM!)
I am pretty new here but here's what I love:
bright, alive, energetic, alluring, and innovative types of fabric!!!!!!!!
Well, it's so hard to choose only five words, as my fabric choices varies depending on my mood - but ... retro, dots, bright, childrens, modern ... and good job on so many blog posts!
What I wouldn't do for some australian ds! You can check my flickr to see why! I have had you on my side bar for a while, but been naughty and enjoying summer here too much.
Love so much of what you do!
Hello, lovely idea! Five words... purple, pink, linen, (is Amy Butler one word or two??), floral.
Congratulations on all your posts and a great blog.
okay, well i love love love fabric! almost any fabric will make my day. happy, bright, soft, muted, whimsical, traditional, reproduction, classic, modern, blue, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, solid, rainbow, floral, geometric, semisolid, batik, fun, fuzzy, folded, crumpled, sweet, playful, commemorative, serious,...
oh. did you want only five?
Wow. You've only been blogging two and a half years? You've shared such much wonderfulness with us in that time, that I can't remember you not being here, Andi. Congrats on the milestone. Thank you for all that you share with us.
Favourite fabric types:
linen, designer, vintage, dots, pinks/reds/blues
Not easy to chose, my five words are:
Wow, 300 is a big number, congratulations! What a lovely idea for a giveaway. My favourite five would be
spots,vintage,Japanese,red, aqua.
Congrats on reaching such a milestone! I think my 5 words would be bright, cheerful, movement, dots, pink.
Wow what a great giveaway! Thank you so much for doing this! I have been following you for awhile and really enjoy your blog! Keep up the good work!
You inspire me to do a giveaway on my blog. I'll need to see what post # I am on....
I suppose my words would be bright,dots, stripes,(and my contradictary terms), civil war, americana.
I like just about all fabric! I always seem to be a contradiction....
Congrats! Super milestone... :)
My words are:
Polka dots
Thanks for the chance (if I get one) :)
I've been following u thru reader for over a year but not thru google we'll see! :)
Congratulations Andi on such an achievement, sharing your stash is a very knid thing to do. If I had to narrow my fabric favourites to 5 words it would be; autumn tones, earthy tones, retro, geometric, vintage. Looking forward to reading your next 300 posts!
300 posts and about as many quilts! Andi you are most prolific. What a lovely giveaway idea too. I don't know if there are too many clear themes in my fabric obsessions, but I'll give it a go: Japanese, text, linen, french, vintage. Hmmm.
Happy 300th. Makes you sound old!
I love stripes, spots, retro, vintage and linen.
Hope that random thingy picks me!
Happy 300 Andi! 5 words, hmm pattable, bold, quirky, kitsch, cheerful.
Andi, Andi, Andi.
Before I met you - sitting beside a swimming pool, draped in my other children - I had never even heard of a blog. It took a bit of encouragement (techno dufus that I am) but I'm so glad that you showed me the world of wonderfully creative, inspiring people who share through their blogs - obviously you included!
Thanks for:
*the introduction to all this
*helping me bind my first quilt
*showing quilts and projects that're funky and gorgeous
*sharing wonderful ideas
*convincing me that pink and orange do really work together
You're Ace!
Cheers and happy 300th
You are such a generous soul, so here goes:
Pink, orange, floral, liberty and spots!!!
Christine xo
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