Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a fish-eat-fish world

We have embarked on our first attempt at pet ownership ...  FISH!!!

Fish - flora and spotty

After many warnings of impending fish funerals and general kiddie disappointment, I was optimistic as everything started out well.

Until Day 2 ... when Flora (the gold coloured one) started 'bullying' Spotty.
When I say bullying, I mean nipping at him constantly, pushing him into the corner and generally harassing him.

Without telling the kids, I took Flora "the bully" back to the pet shop and replaced her with Flora 2, a much more acceptably behaved fishy who looked remarkably like her predecessor.

In hindsight, maybe Flora 1 was just defending herself from impending doom.

Day 3: Flora 2 has disappeared completely from the tank. I fear she has been EATEN!!!

RIP Flora 2

Fish - flora

What to do now?
Do we add another fish to the tank and cross our fingers?
Do we get rid of Spotty "the cannibal" and start fresh with 2 new fish?
Do we abandon this caper altogether?

Fish for dinner anyone?

Andi xx


Julie said...

Oh dear. We are considering pet ownership here, something smaller than a cow. Currently the three year old has a collection of beetles in a jar that are her "friends" you think thats a hint thats its time for a critter?

Jenny from Ohjoh said...

Ha! Flashback!!!
Pre-kids we had "Grilled & Battered" who only lasted a short time before throwing themselves out onto the floor (not a good place if your're a fish) - something to do with water conditioning ..always read the fine print.
These were replaced with some other lovely fish who seemed to disappear one by one until there was only one last fish standing. His name was changed to Hannibal.

Louise said...

I tried the goldfish thing and we lost so many because of the water issues that I gave up. Good luck with yours - they are very pretty - even the hungry one!

Sue said...

We have fish- 1 started turning on its side floating about a week after we had him so he got flushed. The other 3 goldfish and the white spotty one are still surviving. We have a water filter which is great and keeps them going well although the large goldfish in the tank seems to be getting fatter and picking on the others for some reason. If he keeps going he might be taken back I think. We have only had one incident where the goldfish landed outside the tank but we heard him do it so he was rescued and popped back in. Good luck with yours!

Kim Brackett said...

Poor Flora! My husband and I had an aquarium many years ago, and you wouldn't believe the yucky stuff that went on in their little world. I do remember one fish attacking the others -- turned out she had laid eggs on a plant. Oh, the drama.

Cass said...

We have a large tank and we have had a bit of cannibilism. Usually with smaller fish. We've also had a couple throw themselves to the mercy of the carpet, perhaps to escape being eaten. Also with the water if you have a water tank you can use that water without having to treat it like you do if you use tap water.

bec said...

Oh, boy, it's even worse if the predicitons come true! Just think of the great life cycle teaching you are giving the kids haha.

Bellgirl said...

Spotty looks very like Patch, a cannibal fish I had when I was a kid. Check the floor and behind the tank in case Flora actually made a run for it, then I'd get another (big) comet.

Escalating hostilities in the fish tank. Hey, it worked in the Cold War. Or did it? I forget ;)

2miracles/Tove said...

Thank you for buying th e fish! I have been rather stressed out and tired lately and was in desparate need of a good laugh!!!!! I am sorry about the missing fish really but we have gone down this road before ourselves. We finally settle with beta's they live alone!
Good luck

Bree said...

have you checked the floor around the tank?

just stick with the remaining fish - he sounds tough, you need tough fish. And you also need to give them tough names too - that helps.

Tania said...

Yikes! Told you stick insects were way less emotional maintenance! Should you happen to wish to reap some sort of revenge feel free to drop old Spotty by and we can feed him to or carnivorous angel fish. It's been a while since she had a fishy feed.

PS. That was mean - commenting with an 'I told you so'

PPS. I am sure this whole business has caused great upheaval. My condolences to the entire family

Annie said...

Good luck with the fish - why don't you get 4 or 5 - safety in numbers. We didn't have pets for many a long year, and now we have 2 pussy cats, 5 fish in a pond and 5 chooks, and 3 budgies. Can't imagine life without them really. Lucky we have good neighbours when we go away.

Anonymous said...

I once had a cannibal fish and he had spots too! Perhaps start afresh with solid coloured fish only, they seem friendlier in my experience.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Mm I think I will stick to fish and chips! Can't wait to see the next installment of what you decide to do, don't ask me we have had goldfish in an outside tub for 6 years and never fed them. Started off with five, I think we are down to two. Funnily enough, it was the spotty one that went first!

Rebecca Merry said...

Too funny! We had the lovely experience of our 3yr old getting a gold fish who's swim bladder (yes, I know, weird name, weirder function) got twisted. Long story short, his balance was off and he was forced to float upside down for the rest of his life. So silly looking. No dignity for the poor thing.

Pinky said...

My flatmate keeps the most amazing fish tanks... at the moment we're down to one tank and a small water feature on our balcony.

In the water feature on our balcony are two goldfish, one named after each of us (his is all lean and streamlined, mines got a pretty swishy tail). Then we played "Callum and Claire: Survival of the Fishest" :) So far they're both alive, and HUGE.

prior to this, I had ZERO success with fish, I dread to think how many goldfish I sent to the great big bowl in the sky as a kid!

michelle said...

oh the learning curve of fish ownership. i remember those hazy days. 9,999 fish later i'm still hanging in there. all strength to your arm my friend. may the best fish win

Anonymous said...

fish are tricky little fellers... they seem so simple, but that is pure deception... they're actually pretty high maintenance... keeping "like" fish together is generally a rule, even though it looks nicer to have a mix... we lost numerous due to their carnivore ways (not to mention the many more lost to bizarre diseases and intollerances)...

the guppies were the worst... they would sit behind the mum while she was having her babies and literally eat them as they were coming out... brutal...

Anonymous said...

I think that is right bout that. Nice info and thanks. Need to get in google feed.

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75 gallon aquarium said...

I tried the goldfish thing and we lost so many because of the water issues that I gave up. Good luck with yours - they are very pretty - even the hungry one!

Sandra said...

We have a large tank and over the years we've awoken to fish gone missing! One time we had 4 angel fish and at least a dozen small neon tetra's. There one day, gone the next day. Apparently those beautiful calm angel fish are aggressive and were responsible for the demise of the smaller species.
Currently we have large silver barb's and the algae eaters (was four, currently one left) live in fear for their lives and we have had to provide hiding places (coral, rocks propped up in the corners!)
Oh the joys of fish!
Never mind that we have a dog and a cat and our youngest daughter has a hamster (and the poor cat is just beside himself trying to find a way to get into that cage!