Her name is 'Beauty' (named by my son, Jake) and she really is a beauty.
Here she is with Kate (of Kate's Sewing Centre where I bought her)

And here she is at home in my sewing room

So far, she has been a rather busy girl .....
Bunting for Jake's room (which I have been promising since January)

A bag for me ....

Mother's Day presents for my mum ...

.... and Dan's mum ...

(using this tutorial and this one)
She's also done some quilting but that will have to wait until there's a bit more to show.
My kids have been getting their creative mojos on too:

My little artists!!
Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there.
Hope you get spoilt rotten!!
Andi :-)
Oh you have been busy with your new sewing machine! She looks absolutely fantastic! I am so envious! It seems she works extremely well. Lovely bunting, and bags!
Red Pepper Quilts
Wow she sure is a beauty - I'm jealous! And you certainly have been busy. Loving that bunting, I am about to make one for my number three child, I traditionally make them for their first birthdays, then we hang them every year for their birthday week. The colours you have chosen are exactly the colours I have been thinking about doing.
She is one beautiful looking machine! Wowwwww!!! I got spoilt today but nowhere as near as you! Lucky duck!
Hey - you are amazing - the sooner you go into business the better - I'll have 3 bags and 4 pillows!!
Isn't she beautiful. Almost as beautiful as those kids of yours ;-)
Wow!! And look at all that you have done! Don't you love that bird fabric. It looks fantastic as a bag. Looks like the kids had a lot of fun too. Happy Mother's Day!!
Congratulations!!! I can see she is pretty happy with her new owner. Lovely bags, Andi!
Happy sewing!!!
Congrats on your New Machine is certainly is a Beauty...Love all your Goodies...Enjoy.
Yay!!!!! Pleased that you are having fun with your new girlfriend!!! And I can't wait to see what happens after this next lesson!
Love the body art!
Hi Andi, You have been busy...beautiful work...
Re: the milkshake glasses...they are apparently wise enough to know that they will break a few so took this into account, hence we have 8!
I hope you had a beautiful day.
Tam xo
PS. When is the next Perle 8's...I haven't made one meeting yet!
What a great new addition to your sewing room. I use an industrial machine but looking at your shiny new one I think I might like one as well.
She's definitely a beauty! You will love her. Well, you probably already love her - seeing all the fabulous things you've already done with her.
You will have many hours of fun with your new friend. I am loving that texta coloured face.
Great new sewing machine, You worked really hard already. Well done looks great.!!!
Wow busy busy!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. Hello back at ya!!! B.x.
Congratulations on your new machine!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog... love the new machine....
I bought my Bernina from Kate also, and it's the love of my life (don't tell my hubby). You'll have to visit Kate at our quilt show (North of the Yarra Quilters) in October in Eltham, she's one of our sponsors.
You lucky, lucky girl! And she has been SOOOO productive x
I just got one exactly the same from Kate! Isn't it fantastic? Although I don't think mine has been as busy as yours.....!
Hi Andi, congrats on Beauty, I'm sure you two will be very happy together. I got my 'Nina' just over a year ago and can't imagine how I coped before then. Funny, my first project once she arrived was bunting too. It's been amazing to look through your blog and check out your gorgeous creations. Love Kate XX
Thanks for visiting me, I'm here to visit with you now. You will love, love that machine, I have the same one and It's the best! I can now machine quilt with more confidence. Love the kids crafts.
Ahhhhhhh......the excitement you are sharing is EXACTLY the way I felt when I brought my 440QE home last summer!!!! Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!!
Wow - you have been super productive with your new machine - looks like she was aptly named!! Love the happy pics of your budding artists.
You lucky girl!
Yay! Beauty is a perfect name. Hope you have a wonderful mothers day.
hi hi :D
Approximately the same date, I purchased my "Beauty" (the Aurora 330)
I just LOVE it!!!!
Success & creativity with your Bernina
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