You should have seen the queues to buy tickets:

At morning tea time, we caught up with some other lovely bloggy ladies (My camera didn't take a great shot so pop over to Cathy's for a better pic)

Front row (L-R):
Rita from Red Pepper Quilts, Lurline from Lurline's Place, Kate and me.
Behind (L-R):
Rita's sister Karen (a long arm quilter from Northcote who won some quilting awards at the show today), Muriel from Yellow Roses, Cathy from Cabbage Quilts, and Bronwyn from Whippet Good.
It was so lovely to meet up with some of the people I've only ever met on the interweb!! Thanks girls.
My credit card took a bit of a beating today.
I got some Applique Wonder and some Miracle Fabric Sheets ...

..... of course some fabric.
I found these beauties at Kelani Fabrics which is definitely a new favourite place to shop.

To add to this yummy haul, I bought some Valori Wells Urban Flannels to make a baby girl's quilt.

Not bad for a morning's shopping.
There were some lovely quilts on display as well. In particular there were some amazing log cabin quilts with the tiniest little logs (some as small as quarter of an inch).
Here is a montage of some of the quilts that caught my eye ....

Can I just say that although I appreciate the copyright issues being discussed of late on various blogs, I am of the belief that if you put your work up for public display, you can't complain about people sharing images of your work (as long as no-one is profitting from your original designs).
So, please enjoy these images but don't copy any original ideas and go off and make a squillion dollars selling them as your own.
Andi :-)
Lovely photo of you all...familiar faces too...Nice that you all got a chance to meet up...Love all your Goodies...
Fabulous Andi, it was sooo good to meet you and the other girls, thanks for organising it. I love your montage, weren't some of the quilts amazing!! Love the pic of you and Kate by the way...gorgeous! xo
Thanks so much for inviting me! Had a wonderful time and your flannel was the buy of the day!!!
glad you had such a great time - love what you bought too.
Nice haul! Thanks for the photo of the bloggers, nice to put some faces to names!
Looks like it was tons of fun! You certainly got a fabulous haul.
Hi Andi - lovely to have met you at the Craft Fair! Such fun to meet up with great crafty bloggers - we should all do it again soon! Great pictures - I didn't get any - may I 'borrow' a couple from you - I will certainly link them back to you no probs! Wasn't that Kelani stall crazy!! Kaleidoscope book is just divine!
what a great day out!
I don't know where to begin with that shopping haul. Let me know how the flannel works out - I've been looking at the same stuff for ages trying to decide whether to buy it or not (I always think you need to feel flannel before you buy it - will you be my feeler?!)
Congratulations on your wedding - can't wait to see the pics!
Looks like a great day out and just a spot of shopping!
Hey Andi - thanks for visiting my blog! Wow you got a haul and a half at the quilt show! I love the look of those books in particular. And I am so jealous that a few of you got to meet up - seems all my favourite crafty ladies are in Melbourne - bummer!
drool drool drool. How fun to meet up with bloggie friends!
I'm with you on the copyright issue Andi!! I have been slammed in the past by one or two rather charming blog lurkers for putting up pics from shows.
All I have to say is that I make my living from quilting too, and that when I put a quilt in a show for the public to see I not only expect that they will want to take a pic and share the quilts in the show with friends - I WANT them to!! Sharing what we have made is what quilting is all about, and if you are making your living from quilting, don't you WANT people to know about your quilts and be interested in them?
I don't expect people to copy my ideas or use the quilts for their blog page background etc, but showing others what was hanging in a show and promoting quilting as a whole can only be a good thing I think. Don't let the turkeys get you down!
Can't wait to see what all those gorgeous threads become.
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